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The Flaine staff canteen hot-boxes its bio-waste

Since 7th February, food waste from the canteen has been recycled in our brand new composter.

This equipment provided by the La bulle D’Oxygène company has the advantages of being portable and airtight (rodent-proof and odourless). It works by adding dry matter only and can compost up to 10 tons of biowaste each year.

Its installation will mean that we can reduce our percentage of mixed waste and indirectly reduce the number of refuse collection lorries needed to process this waste. This also means lower CO2 emissions into the atmosphere in the long term! This action is part of our 0 non-recovered waste initiative (# CDA, 0 non-recovered waste, 0 Net Carbon).

The compost produced will be used locally when revegetating ski slopes in the summer or directly mixed with potting soil for use in our shared gardens in the magic carpets not used in the summer.

Fabio, a member of the catering staff, will be in charge of monitoring the composter.


Are you interested getting started with this venture? Here are the contact details for our partner: and their website :