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Bungee jumping in Flaine ?

Have a go at “Gravity Zero” in Flaine: the elastic cord that makes you jump for joy!

Have a go at the “Gravity Zero” experience in Flaine Forêt.  By means of a harness attached to elastic bands, you will be propelled horizontally into the void at high speed.
Enjoy an experience similar to bungee jumping.  Not for the fainthearted!

– Opening date: From Saturday June 29 to Friday August 30

– Opening hours: 10:30am to 1pm and 2pm to 6pm

– Tariffs:

– 1 pass for the Gravity Zéro activities: 7.70€

– 6 pass for the Gravity Zéro activities: 38,50€

– 10 pass for the Gravity Zéro activities: 61,60€


Take a big leap in Flaine attached to a bungee rope

This activity is accessible and offered in two formats :

–  In “Soft” mode : A discovery experience for children aged 6 and above and weighing more than 20kg.

–  In “Adrenaline” mode : A sensational experience for children aged 12 and above and weighing more than 40kg.

Not recommended for people with back, neck or heart problems. Also not recommended for pregnant women.

Whatever your age, come and defy the laws of gravity. Attached in complete safety, let yourself go and fully enjoy this extraordinary experience.

Who hasn’t ever dreamt of flying through the air?

Bungee jumping, also called bungy or bungie, was invented in the 80’s by a New Zealander called Alan John Hackett. He took his inspiration from the rituals of certain tribes in the Pacific Islands who made 25 metre jumps attached to a vine.
This activity, akin to extreme sports, is practiced in the open air providing unique sensations of freedom and euphoria and creating unforgettable memories! So take the plunge, push your personal limits by overcoming your fears and leap upwards in an exceptional setting.
Ready to lose your footing safely? So, be the first to enjoy this activity in winter in Flaine!