In 2022, given the international tensions over energy supply and the unavailability of part of France’s electricity production, all French people and French industry were asked to make energy-saving efforts. Our professional body and the ski area operators are committed to reducing their energy consumption by setting up an energy efficiency plan.
This energy efficiency plan aims to reduce energy consumption in the Grand Massif area by 5% per year, over a two-year period. It is also designed to be a long-term project, in order to meet climate objectives.
Among its commitments are 4 actions detailed below.
It is important to stress that skiing activities are not affected by this action.
In other words, stopping certain lifts in no way prevents skiers from enjoying all of the slopes in the ski area.
In other words, on weekdays outside French school holiday periods, this means:
Flaine :
- Daily closure of the Grand Grenier, Lapiaz and Véret draglifts,
- Closure of the Lac chairlift at 2.30pm,
- Opening the Diamant Noir chairlift between 9.45am and 12.30pm,
- Opening the Corbalanche chairlift at 2.45pm,
- Closure of the Stade draglift between 12 noon and 1.15pm.
Les Carroz, Morillon et Samoëns :
- Daily closure of the Plan Moulin, Vieille and Soleil draglifts.
- Daily closure of the Bergin chairlift.
To find out when the lifts are open in real time, click here !
Autonomous consumption means generating your own electricity from renewable sources, such as solar power. For the Grand Massif, electricity will be generated by flexible photovoltaic panels.
One of the main measures in the energy efficiency plan is the recovery of unused energy. This involves recovering energy that is usually lost, for example heat produced by engines or machines. In the Grand Massif, one of the objectives is to recover heat emitted by the gondola's power units and use it to heat the premises.
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8 rue du Château – 74340 – SAMOENS – FRANCE